The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
Day 1 - Personal SEL and Mindset Mastery (8am - 5:00pm)

SEL Visuals (Social and Emotional Learning)
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Learning is both visual and emotional so when powerful images are effectively used in the classroom, they stimulate engagement, curiosity, learning, retention, and recall. SEL visuals bring SEL skills to life as students view and discuss a captivating cartoon image that is jam-packed with SEL learning skills and life lessons!
They discuss their interpretations of the image, apply personal experiences, and arrive at a consensus as to the cartoon’s meaning, SEL themes, and its implications for their lives and society as a whole! SEL Visuals engage all learners, no matter what their learning differences are, and they are a memorable and fun way to learn all the SEL skills essential to success in academics and in life. Use these SEL visual cards to supplement your current SEL program, augment your advisory program discussions, or have each student on campus own their pack of cards so they can review at home, teach their friends and family, and apply them to their personal lives for years to come!
Perfect for adults too! These cards are also perfect for adults to explore and build community by building vulnerability-based trust!
SEL Visuals (Social and Emotional Learning)
50 Cards: CASEL-aligned and targets all 5 SEL competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making
Perfect for restorative circles, morning meetings, and community building!
Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive
Life-changing quotes and images that contain profound multiple meanings
Uses a brain-based inquiry game format, based on the 5E method, to support learning and memory
Ideal for K6-12+ classrooms, adult SEL, summer programs, after-school programs, family, friends, corporate, parties, camping, travel, church groups, counseling, and teambuilding.