The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
Day 1 - Personal SEL and Mindset Mastery (8am - 5:00pm)
Classroom SEL Plugins ® are powerful routines that develop both student and adult SEL, strengthen school culture, and improve behavior, all while helping you directly teach any academic content! How is this possible? Our plugins utilize the power of collaborative academic routines.
Collaborative Academic Routines are group learning structures that we already use in our classrooms, but we have re-engineered them to deliberately teach SEL habits and academic content more effectively than ever before! We have also included many brand new routines based on the latest cognitive neuroscience and behavioral change technologies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), for example, to develop complex SEL skills such as self-discipline, self-motivation, grit, resilience, and emotional regulation, by targeting the root of all behaviors — beliefs and attitudes. Collaborative academic routines such as collaborative problem-solving, peer feedback, jigsaw, emotion check-ins, think-pair-share, class norm monitoring, and learning stations, by their very nature, require students to employ all their SEL skills for the achievement of one common group goal. The fact that they are routines, and not just strategies, ensures that students have multiple opportunities consistently over time to practice these skills in a real-life context, struggle with them, and improve them with feedback, reflection, and repetition until they become automatic SEL habits.
Who Is This Book For?
Classroom SEL Plugins ® are for any adults who directly work with students in a classroom or small group setting to teach content or skills of any kind. This includes teachers, counselors, social workers, psychologists, resource specialists, special needs instructors, speech pathologists, and so on.
This is especially for educators who are busy teachers and want an SEL solution they can literally “plug in and play” that will help students achieve their learning objectives, not detract from them. This is also for educators who want to strengthen their own SEL skills in a fun way that doesn’t require extra time outside of the school day.
Classroom SEL Plugins ® were designed for adults to learn SEL with their students, by participating in the activities and routines that were designed for learners of all ages to access. When adults are humble and appropriately vulnerable learners, this self-discovery point of view helps you foster psychological safety with your students and normalize risk-taking.
Whether you teach Math, Science, English Language Arts, History, Foreign Language, Physical Education, or any other subject matter, you’ll literally find that you can easily “plug-in” these routines into your class to immediately support SEL and improve content standards mastery, behavior, community, and overall well being. These plugins are easily modifiable to any grade level from Kindergarten to College and beyond (K-12+).
The Anatomy of An SEL Plugin

How Classroom SEL Plugins Benefit Students

Trauma-informed and aligned with restorative practices: Plugins were designed to support all students, especially those who’ve experienced much trauma in their lives. We include trauma-informed and restorative practice principles in the design of the routine, launch activity that precedes it and teach best practices to support the wellbeing of students. Plugins address every SEL skill you can think of including self-image, multiple perspectives, diversity, equity, empathy, personal responsibility, victor/victim mindsets, examining biases, resilience, a growth mindset, self-discipline, teamwork teach, stress management, conflict resolution, impulse control, grit, social justice, and so much more!
SEL Routines that Support Content Mastery and Improve Student Achievement
“But I don’t see how SEL immediately helps students academically.” This common educator concern is the primary reason we’ve built these plugins. Imagine that your content standards are the package that needs to be delivered to students quickly and effectively. SEL routines are then the truck that efficiently delivers it to them! Our routines take advantage of the power of collaborative structures, where students must engage all the SEL skills in order to work together effectively to learn, solve problems, and master content learning objectives. SEL skills such as self-awareness, empathy, multiple perspectives, active listening, conflict resolution, self-monitoring, emotional regulation, self-motivation, self-discipline, social awareness, growth mindset, grit, resilience, and stress management, are just some of the many required during collaborative problem-solving. These routines introduce each skill with an exciting launch activity that captivates their curiosity and an engaging hands-on learning sequence to learn more about the skill and the impact it will make in their lives.
Improve Classroom Culture and Behavior: These routines were specifically designed to improve classroom behavior so that students are more engaged, invested, and on-task. Develop their ability to manage themselves with routines that target personal responsibility, self-discipline, concentration, motivation, impulse control, emotional regulation, and stress management. Develop a positive learning culture by building community with plugins for creating community agreements, empathy, compassion, and peer accountability for upholding class norms.
Download These 4
Classroom Routines

The Name Game
WHAT? Learn and remember student names and interesting qualities through a kinesthetic and memorable game!

Setting SEL Intentions
WHAT? Improve student focus, behavior, and adherence to class norms as they set intentional SEL-related behavior goals monitor their progress improve and hold each other accountable.

Growth Mindset Power Q's
WHAT? Students embrace discomfort as an opportunity for growth by creating an inner dialogue T-chart and turning challenge stressors into power questions that engage the creative, problem-solving mind.

Power Listening
WHAT? Students perform one of three sociological experiments to analyze their current team practices and improve them through a group process analysis routine.