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Mindset Mastery Adult SEL PD

Brain-based adult social, emotional, and cultural competence training that strengthens personal SEL skills for unstoppable confidence, self-control, and resilience!


Why The Mindset Mastery Adult SEL PD? 

Teachers are stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated more than ever. They’re getting sick, leaving the profession in droves, and it’s costing schools billions of dollars, ultimately affecting the students we serve. Current solutions like stress management, mindfulness and self-care workshops, and the message to seek a work-life balance, aren’t cutting it. Teachers have been demanding more than this band-aid approach!

The Mindset Mastery Adult SEL PD teaches school staff members how to strengthen the 5 CASEL competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making) by addressing the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that result in long-term behavioral change. We implement principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and other behavior change technologies to ensure teachers master SEL habits and mindsets.

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Teachers and Leaders Will Be Able To:


❏ EXPLAIN the science of how emotions are developed and how they impact our lives

❏ MANAGE their emotions in an instant using 5 evidence-based principles and methods

❏ APPLY self-awareness development routines and rituals

❏ IDENTIFY and REPLACE limiting beliefs, habits, and thinking patterns with more empowering ones

❏ IDENTIFY why you get stuck emotionally and break free instantly with the FRAP method

❏ CONVERT fear into motivation and dramatically reduce stress, anxiety, and procrastination!

❏ MASTER emotional self-control, self-discipline, and resilience

❏ STRENGTHEN your mental and physical health without much willpower

❏ PERFORM better academically and in your career by applying the GENIUS SECRET SYSTEM!

❏ GENERATE unstoppable confidence in yourself, in interacting with others, and in your goals!

❏ OVERCOME your fears by accomplishing an extraordinary feat!

❏ OBSERVE AND DEBRIEF the high-quality and engaging instructional methods behind the PD design that they can apply to their own classrooms! (How to build relationships, integrate technology, differentiate learning, and maximize engagement, learning, and retention) The PD includes a reflection document and educator strategy guide.

❏ EARN 1-2 CEU units through the Loyola Marymount University Extension Program!

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