The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
Day 1 - Personal SEL and Mindset Mastery (8am - 5:00pm)
Collective Teacher Efficacy PD
Brain-based adult social, emotional, and cultural competence training that strengthens community, psychological safety, and teamwork effectiveness!
Why Collective Teacher Efficacy PD?
Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE), the shared belief that the school's staff can positively impact student achievement – despite other influences in the students' lives that challenge their success – dramatically improves schools! The impact of CTE is “greater than three times more powerful and predictive of student achievement than socioeconomic status, student motivation, concentration, persistence, and engagement,” John Hattie and his co-authors wrote in 2018.
The opposing belief, “Collective Futility” is what destroys the teaching profession. The moment we believe that our efforts won’t matter or have an impact is when we stop taking responsibility for addressing our classroom challenges, stop seeking to improve, become cynical, demand that others solve our problems, and believe the myth that the solution is outside of our control. We become bitter, not better.
Reclaim your staff’s power to influence change. You’ll achieve your team goals faster and more sustainably than before, members will feel cared for, have a sense of belonging, purpose and their social and emotional needs will be met. Create a “collaborative leadership model” that will reduce burnout for the entire staff (admin included), and improve staff retention, mental health, wellness, and teacher performance, resulting in — Improved student achievement.
Teachers and Leaders Will Be Able To:
❏ Build vulnerability-based trust, the most important trust type that is present in highly effective teams
❏ Create norms, norm-supporting rituals, and peer accountability structures that strengthen commitment and adherence to high-quality expectations
❏ Transition from a Reactive to a Proactive Mindset instantly in order to activate their best selves on demand
❏ Embrace productive conflict confidently in order to build real commitment and follow through
❏ Eliminating workplace incivility by engaging in staff climate-nurturing routines
❏ Collaborate effectively with Collaborative Problem-Solving Routines that dissuade groupthink, ensure equity of voice, and result in high-quality decisions and solutions.
❏ Create a collaborative leadership model to maximize teamwork and solve any school challenge!